2025 schedules
and entry forms
Available Soon!
Scarecrow Competition
Includes Floral Art, Orchids, Cacti & Succulents, Potted Plants, Fruits & Vegetables.
Get ready to bring your scarecrow dreams to life. Join us at the Redcliffe Show where imagination takes centre stage. Showcase your skills in creating your unique scarecrow.
Open to all!
Private Entries are accepted alongside School Entries.
We look forward to sharing our exhibit of our younger generations creativity.
Located in the Green Pavilion (Dalton Hall)
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 4pm
Located in the Tom Atkinson Hall
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 4pm
Arts, Crafts & Photography
We are back to share the Creativity of our Artists and what they have accomplished this past year.
We still offer the original 12 classes for Art; however, they have been expanded over time to encompass many new creative categories. This year we welcome a new section of Porcelain Figurines, in our craft section.
The Redcliffe Show Needlework Competition encourages our regular and new competitors to demonstrate their extensive skills in knitting, sewing, crocheting, dolls and millinery.
Your exhibits are limited by your imagination only.
Located in the L Fisher Hall
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 4pm
Located in the Mary Corscadden Hall
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 4pm
Wood Craft
The Redcliffe and District Woodcraft Society Inc. welcomes all Show attendees to view our Exhibit again this year. Apart from displaying the Wordcraft Competition entries we will have woodcraft demonstrations, sales of local woodcraft items crafted by our members, and sales of the popular spinning tops with the proceeds going to charity.
The Cookery Section is pleased to present the competition to find the “Best Cooks In Our District”. We offer 99 classes in various aspects of cooking. School children are also invited to display their skills in a diverse range of baked goods.
Please see the schedule for entry dropoff and collection times.
Located in Building 18 (Next to the Honey Pavilion)
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 4pm
Located in Mrytle Webb Hall
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 4pm
Northside Beekeepers Association and the Redcliffe Show Society have enjoyed a good long standing relationship of delivering a quality honey court for the patrons of the Redcliffe Show. This long serving event has seen competitors rewarded and recognised for their skill, hard
work and dedication since 1984.
The Judging of Beef and Dairy Cattle is a highlight of the Redcliffe Show. Exhibiting of dairy and beef cattle at the Show reflects the heritage of the region.
Located in Honey Court
Cattle Judging Commences:
Saturday 9:30am
followed by Young Paraders & Young Judges.
Grand Stock Parade:
Saturday 2:00pm
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 4pm
Exhibitors from surrounding areas participate in this wonderful hobby. We encourage the young children to enter our Junior section of our display. Schools from the local area come to see the chicken hatching and the adults enjoy this display as much as the children.
We will endeavour to put on some great entertainment in our ring for your enjoyment. We have always had good support from the show jumping fraternity and I hope this continues with our program for 2024. I hope you take time to come to the Ring to watch some fantastic horse jumping on Friday & Saturday.
Judging Commences:
Saturday 9:00am
Ring Events
Wood Chop
The horse section attracts quality exhibits.
Many competitors who compete at the Redcliffe Show experience success at a state and national level with their equestrian pursuits.
Audiences have the opportunity to see quality exhibits, professional handlers and riders in the main arena over the three days of events.
The 2 day program includes some of the best wood choppers in the World competing across 25 events including 5 Queensland State Title Championships.
Located at Wood Chop Arena
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 8pm
8:30am - 3pm
9:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 3:30pm
At the Show Canteen we are offering wholesome food and good quality sandwiches - hand made to order!
Serving the favourites including fresh sandwiches Hot Dogs, beef beef brisket rolls along with fresh hot soup. (menu to change daily)
Located ground floor of the Administration Building
(near the ring)
The dog section will feature a variety of breeds grouped according to the activities they were bred for and will range in age from 3 months to over 3 years. Exhibits will include Champions and Supreme Champions competing for the ultimate prize of Best in Show.
Dog Judging commences:
Friday 9.00 am
Car Club
Car Club includes Car Display, Photo Wall, Drinks Available. The Car Club will have a covered Area with tables & chairs cleaned and maintained for the disabled, aged and families to take a rest or eat a meal.
8:30am - 5pm
8:30am - 5pm
8:30am - 3pm